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Suspended between carefree youth and the harsh realities of the adult world, a teenage girl experiences an unsettling awakening in this haunting vision of innocence lost. Based on the celebrated short story “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been” by Joyce Carol Oates, the narrative debut from Joyce Chopra features a revelatory breakout performance by Laura Dern as Connie, the fifteen-year-old black sheep of her family whose summertime idyll of beach trips, mall hangouts, and innocent flirtations is shattered by an encounter with a mysterious stranger (a memorably menacing Treat Williams). Winner of the Grand Jury Prize at Sundance, Smooth Talk captures the thrill and terror of adolescent sexual exploration as it transforms the conventions of a coming-of-age story into something altogether more troubling and profound.甜言蜜语1985电视剧免费观看,甜言蜜语1985电视剧,甜言蜜语1985电影,甜言蜜语1985电视剧在线观看,甜言蜜语1985电视剧在线观看全集,甜言蜜语1985电视剧剧情介绍,策驰影院 电视剧免费,甜言蜜语1985电视剧免费观看,甜言蜜语1985电视剧全集免费播放,甜言蜜语1985电视剧免费全集在线观看,甜言蜜语1985电视剧免费观看全集完整版,甜言蜜语1985电视剧全集在线观看


  • 0.0已完结鲁宾逊漂流记菲利普·德·阿尔巴,何塞·查韦斯,海梅·费尔南德斯,Dan O'Herlihy
  • 0.0第60集老农民陈宝国,冯远征,牛莉,蒋欣,梁林琳,任帅,刘敏,霍亚明,舒耀瑄,刘向京,冯国强,白志迪,陈月末,林一霆
  • 0.0已完结支离破碎莉莉.库拉格,卡梅隆·莫纳汉,萨莎·露丝,约翰·马尔科维奇,弗兰克·格里罗,阿什·桑托斯,詹姆斯·C·伯恩斯,达特·樊,J·M·洛根,David,Madison,Ridely,Asha,Bateman,Matt,Falletta,Ridley,Bateman,Dat,Phan
  • 0.0正片卡特教练塞缪尔·杰克逊,罗伯·布朗,查宁·塔图姆,瑞克·冈萨雷斯,奥克塔维亚·斯宾瑟,莱西·比曼,妮可·尼尔
  • 0.0正片永恒的画面María Luengo,Rosario Ortega,Saraida Llamas,Claudia Fimia,Mila Collado,Dolores Martínez,Pere Ferrés
  • 0.0正片我愿意吉米-林·辛格勒,艾丽西亚·维特,莫里斯·孔特,大卫·W·罗斯,格兰特·鲍尔,帕特里夏·贝尔彻,杰西卡·泰勒·布朗

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